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Is Waterproofing Done in Renting Home?

Updated: Feb 1

Moving to a new environment can be exciting - the change of location and residence is a rewarding experience and the whole process is full of excitement and anticipation.


Finding a house or apartment requires a lot of effort to ensure that all the requirements are met in terms of size, budget, location, space, proximity to schools, workplaces, markets and healthcare. These are some of the things that should be kept in mind to ensure that you find a place that suits you and works for you. However, another important thing to keep in mind is to see if the new house has been waterproofed. Whether it's a new home or a home you've bought or rented, air conditioning is an important factor that can't be ignored at all. It is important that enough seals have been used to cover all parts of this and the entire building is water resistant. Not having a good waterproofing system or a poor waterproofing system can cause you a lot of grief later when water seeps in and causes hot water and high humidity. , which not only destroys the interior, but can cause many health problems. Since we often use the term waterproofing, it helps to understand it better so that we can make the right choice that will benefit our family and friends.

What is waterproofing?

It is the process of stopping the infiltration of water in our house or any building to make it waterproof and to ensure that the infiltration and infiltration of water is reduced or lost under conditions humidity is usually defined. In each building, high-quality waterproofing solutions are used to protect the interior and foundation with skin and insulation. For all your waterproofing problems, check out Build Healer waterproofing companies in india.

Where do you need to waterproof?

There are six specific areas that you need to check for a waterproof home.

Roof: One of the places where the weather is always covered - direct sunlight, rain and climate change. It also tends to accumulate rainwater that can begin to seep into the slab and cause significant damage over time.

Solution: Dr. Fixit Roofseal and Dr. Fixit Roofseal Flex which is a waterproof leather that provides good water protection and is easy to use.

Construction: Cement, which is commonly used in all constructions, expands and contracts due to weather conditions, leading to cracks in plaster and materials. A waterproofing agent that changes this property of cement can prevent cracking, increase the strength of concrete, and provide other benefits.

Solution: LW + integral waterproofing solution that improves and changes the properties of cement during the construction of the new building.

Exterior Walls: Exterior walls face the direct effects of rain and other weather changes. The goal should be to cover it with waterproofing, which has two functions and not just decoration.

Solution: Use Dr. Fixit Raincoat for waterproofing and decoration.

Bathroom: The bathroom is covered with water every day, so it is important to cover the water during the construction of the house itself, because fixing the holes in the house Bathing is a time-consuming and expensive process.

Solution: Use Dr. Fixit Bathseal is a 100% waterproof bathroom seal product. Foundation: Water comes from the ground to the building due to the capillary movement of water and can pass through the foundation and reach the walls. To prevent this, a waterproof layer is placed on the plinth.

Solution: Use Dr. Fixit Solyse as a waterproofing agent for foundations and floorboards.

Water Tank: A permanent cover for a water tank is essential when ensuring the safety of drinking water. Solution: Use Dr. Fixit Pidifin 2k, double waterproofing for water tanks above.

When you buy or rent a house, make sure that each of these areas is covered with water and the best products, before making your decision.

Book for expert waterproofing advice on Build Healer


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